News and Updates
6/04/07 Spokesman Review article: Advocates unable to save Finch Lodge . . . so far
5/25/07 Spokesman Review article: Gas station, Finch lodge on most-endangered list
5/23/07 Washington Trust for Historic Preservation: "Historic Boy Scout Lodge Near Diamond Lake Featured in the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation’s 2007 Most Endangered Historic Properties List"
5/22/07 Washington Trust Most Endangered Properties List released.
4/30/07 Curious incident concerning known Finch Lodge Supporter
3/08/07 Pacific Northwest Inlander: Jeer: "BOY SCOUT BOARD"
3/1/07 Pacific Northwest Inlander: Jeer: "Think Again Boy Scouts"
2/02/07 Nickel Nik Classifieds notice: "BOY SCOUT parents, leaders and friends! Why Bulldoze Finch..."
The Save Finch Lodge group has learned that a group
of Scouters has mailed a letter urging the Council's executive board to reconsider
their decision
to raze Finch Lodge.
The group of over 42 registered
Boy Scout volunteers says that Finch Lodge should be left in place and any new
dining hall should be located up the hill. We were told that each board member
should have received a copy of the letter and supporting information packet before the 11/16
executive board meeting.
(Read the letter)
The Fall 2006 edition of Washington Preservation
devotes a page to the
Finch Lodge situation: "Historic Finch Lodge to be Demolished"
page 7 of this 14 page .pdf document. (Washington State Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation publishes
Washington Preservation several times a year.)
10/14/06 Spokesman Review Letter to the Editor: "Lodge a key to memories"
10/10/06 Spokesman Review Letter to the Editor: "Save Finch, Preserve History "
10/1/06 Save Finch Lodge Web Site posts their corrections, clarifications and comments to the Council's official 9/21/06 announcement
Newport Miner Story:
"Boy Scouts will replace Finch Lodge"
"The Boy Scout executive board has decided to replace
historic Finch Lodge at the Cowles Scout Reservation with a new structure that
is similar in design but opponents say the decision is 'a misguided attempt at
recreating history.'" ...
9/24/06 Save Finch Lodge Group issues statement to press reacting to Executive Board decision.
Spokesman Review article:
Boy Scouts
will raze lodge at camp (Subscription Required) Summarizes Council's news release.
Note: This
article states "Greg Mott, a Scouting Volunteer who advocated preserving Finch
Lodge, couldn't be reached for comment" but Greg Mott has assured that, although someone was available to answer both his home
and work phones throughout Thursday, no call was received from the Spokesman
Review. (Note: The reporter has since explained that Greg Mott's phone number
was lost by the Review when their summer interns went back to school.) Likewise, no attempt was made to contact
9/21/06 Save Finch Lodge group decides that the board's decision should not stand unchallenged. The group urges reconsideration and vows to do more investigation and education.
9/21/06 Inland Northwest Council Executive Board decides to disregard scores of letters and emails and site their new dining hall where Finch Lodge currently sits.
8/17/06: Whitman County Gazette editor argues that Finch Lodge should be preserved.
8/12/06: Save Finch Lodge Web Site adds a page exploring many of the advantages of leaving Finch Lodge in place and building a new lodge nearby
Inland NW Council Leadership Dinner at Camp Easton: Tim McCandless stated that a
Finch Lodge decision will be made at the Council's September 21st
Executive Board Meeting.
8/2/06: Newport Miner Story: "Boy Scout board postpones Finch Lodge decision"
7//31/06: The Inland NW Council's web site now indicates a decision on the fate of Finch Lodge could be made at a "specially called meeting in late August -TBD"
Spokesman Review Article:
Boy Scout
Lodge Decision On Hold (Subscription Required)
(Read about the many advantages of this option)
Inland Northwest Council, BSA Executive Board Meeting at Camp Cowles
7/27/06: Spokesman Review Letter to the editor: Save Finch Lodge
7/27/06: Letter from
Preservation Advocates Strongly encourages the Council "to preserve the historic
Finch Lodge for future generations"
(Read the letter)
Letter to Tim McCandless from Len Urgeleit, RenCorp LLC.
(Read the entire letter)
7/19/06: Pend Oreille County
Historical Society tells the Council that the
Society doesn't want Finch Lodge demolished
7/18/06: Paul Turner posted a note in "The Slice" Spokesman Review column from Karen Mobley (arts director, Spokane Arts Commission) concerning a quote in the Review's 7/12/06 Finch Lodge Story. Read her common sense "second opinion" to "kids don't care about historic preservation"
Letter dated June 10,
received from Chris Moore, Field Director, Washington Trust for Historic Preservation
Members of the Trust "heartily
encourage the Council to embrace a program of rehabilitation for the lodge that
would preserve the building's integrity while retaining the important and
valuable historic associations to scouting the Finch Lodge encapsulates"
(Read the entire letter)
7/12/06: Spokesman Review Article: Scouts building on rocky ground (subscription required)
7/11/06: added a page excerpting a few of the comments they have heard
7/5/06: The Newport Miner covered the Finch Lodge controversy in a large article on the front page of the July 5th issue
6/29/06: Spokane's KREM TV aired a short segment on June 29th and again on July 1st: Boy Scouts Fight to save Finch Lodge
Summary of June 28th TOWN HALL MEETING at Finch Lodge New Information added 7/1/06